Donald Trump Jr. Was Set-Up By Both Obama & Russia

I told you ALL right after the election on True Capitalist Radio that this Russia-Trump narrative was going to be a potential means of bringing down the Trump administration. Moreover, I said that Putin and Obama were colluding together on the world stage while passing themselves off as enemies. The latest proof of my assessment is the … Continue reading Donald Trump Jr. Was Set-Up By Both Obama & Russia

CNN & MSM Gets Triggered At POTUS TWEET

CNN and MSM are crying like old broads over a humorous Tweet posted POTUS this morning. Some in the media have called it juvenile, others have accused the President of trying to get someone in the media killed. What is interesting about MSM's up-roar is the role of victim they are attempting to play. The Tweet … Continue reading CNN & MSM Gets Triggered At POTUS TWEET

LGBTQ Slippery Slope? Man Wants To Become Genderless Alien.

In a previous article in which I highlighted the organized LGBTQ movement's ambition towards children, I asked the readers, " What's next?" It seems that people within the LGBTQ movement are moving the bounds of morality simply for vindictive shock value, or these people are suffering the side-effects of psychosis due to being infected with HIV/AIDS. Either … Continue reading LGBTQ Slippery Slope? Man Wants To Become Genderless Alien.