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Twitter Gestapo Puts Ghost in Timeout For a Week. Cucks!


Well, as I’ve stated for some time, welcome to the future of the regulated Internet. I’ve been put in timeout by the Twitter Gestapo for a week because they’re anti-Free speech pieces of excrement off of used gay condom! With that being said, I encourage everyone to please add to your favorites or bookmarks Ghost.Report, for it is my OFFICIAL SOCIAL MEDIA!

Since these social media sites are becoming less and less appreciative to those that keep people logging on to their outdated communities, I will do the majority of my social media communication on this site. These social media gestapo ass clowns are trying to stop me from communicating with you! Why? Because I provoke thought, teach people things the education system doesn’t and captivate a large audience in a day and age of short attention spans.

I will not be silenced! I will keep doing what I’m doing no matter who tries to stop me! I am Capitalist till death, and will keep promoting it till my last breath! Fuck you Twitter and the hipster conformists you employ to keep terrorist accounts running (ISIS, Antifa, etc), while banning or “punishing” those who are NOT terrorists! How can Twitter morally and legally get away with this?



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