Liberals Are Domestic Terrorists, PERIOD!

How many more Liberal voices have to direct or suggest violence against the political opposition, the President and/or the country before we call it what it is; terrorism! The Democratic party (from Obama downward) have festered and fueled the current political landscape, and should be held accountable for intentionally crippling America to its current state. With Democrats … Continue reading Liberals Are Domestic Terrorists, PERIOD!

Liberal Terrorism In America; Thanks Democrats!

It was only a matter of time before the violence being advocated by the Left manifested itself into deranged, murderous actions. Liberal and Bernie Sanders supporter, James T. Hodgkinson (66 years old), shot Rep. Steve Scalise and several others during a congressional baseball practice (for charity) in Alexandria, Virginia. Hodgkinson was obsessed with the fanatical rhetoric being … Continue reading Liberal Terrorism In America; Thanks Democrats!

What is Communism/Socialism? Without all the rhetoric!

The galvanization of Communist/Socialist fervor seems ever expanding amongst the young.  What these young people fail to understand is that they have been programmed into believing their current political perspectives. The institutions of education and media have been integral in cultivating a mass acceptance of this murderous political philosophy. But what is Communism/Socialism? Simply put, Communism/Socialism is the complete elimination … Continue reading What is Communism/Socialism? Without all the rhetoric!