Ocasio-Cortez is the Poster-Child For Millennial Ego and Ignorance

The "future" of the Democrat party, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, has been making the media rounds and touring the country touting her "Socialist" views while stumping for Democrat nobodies. What have we learned since Ocasio-Cortez beat 9-time Democrat incumbent, Joe Crowley, in the New York 14th district primary? We've learned that the "Millennial" stereotype of being ignorant … Continue reading Ocasio-Cortez is the Poster-Child For Millennial Ego and Ignorance

White Nationalism = Socialism

Why are Antifa and White Nationalists "fighting" each other when both sides want the same thing? Socialism! When confronted with this obvious contradiction, White Nationalists have created terminology in an attempt deflect this question; the "Horse Shoe Theory." Much like their favorite defense mechanism in debate, "the Jew;" the Horse Shoe theory provides enough rhetorical … Continue reading White Nationalism = Socialism

Exclusive: Bernie Sanders Responds To Bank Fraud Charges?

After days of dodging questions about this subject, Uncle Bernie finally responds to the allegations of bank fraud against him and his wife Jane. It may not be what the "Feel The Bern" crowd wants to hear, but at least Bernie comes clean; literally! This is a Ghost.Report exclusive! I hope this puts things in perspective to all those … Continue reading Exclusive: Bernie Sanders Responds To Bank Fraud Charges?

MSM Demonizes Islam Critics After Finsbury Park Mosque Attack

The mainstream media has been on a propaganda spin since the Finsbury Park Mosque attack; as if Islam has been a victim of constant terrorist attacks. But if one takes a look at terrorists attacks in America from 2000-2009 alone, one will find a list of mostly Islamic and/or Leftist terrorists. So why is the media painting … Continue reading MSM Demonizes Islam Critics After Finsbury Park Mosque Attack

What is Communism/Socialism? Without all the rhetoric!

The galvanization of Communist/Socialist fervor seems ever expanding amongst the young.  What these young people fail to understand is that they have been programmed into believing their current political perspectives. The institutions of education and media have been integral in cultivating a mass acceptance of this murderous political philosophy. But what is Communism/Socialism? Simply put, Communism/Socialism is the complete elimination … Continue reading What is Communism/Socialism? Without all the rhetoric!